Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Prisoner of Christ

I have choir rehearsal tonight. If you know me well, you know that I like to eat supper early and do nothing the rest of the evening. I have to drag myself out to that rehearsal each week. It is even harder once "winter" arrives (I know, this is Texas, winter is relative) and it is cold and dark when I have to go.

Today, our director issued a challenge. We are to read Philemon and come with a word for the choir. The first verse begins:

Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus...

Immediately, I had my "word". Paul did not see himself as a prisoner of the Roman Empire. He saw himself as a prisoner of Christ. What does that mean?

In the simplest of terms, Paul realized his circumstances (under house arrest in Rome) were designed by God. He was exactly where God wanted him to be. All of his circumstances were permitted by God and in some way would eventually glorify God.

I think back on recent events and I am comforted by the knowledge that I (and my loved ones) am a prisoner of Christ. Whatever I may have to endure is at the hand of a loving God whose glory will be known one day. Maybe I won't see it. Maybe my loved ones won't know for sure how that is, but one day, God will be glorified if we seek His will and abide in Him through the tough times.

I Am Second is an online campaign giving real-life examples of how God is at work even in the darkest times. He has the benefit of seeing the bigger picture. He knows that the hurts we are enduring right now will strengthen our faith and our ability to serve Him. Perhaps, we will be able to minister to His glory because we have survived our current trials.

Thank you, Lord, for making me your prisoner. I serve my time willingly and joyfully because You are just and in control of all things that touch my life.


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