Thursday, August 27, 2009

Waiting on God

Sometimes it is unbelievably hard to wait on God. In fact, for me, it's that way about all of the time. I know what I want, and I want it right now. We live in a society of instant gratification. Somehow, God doesn't work that way.

We want to set deadlines and expect Him to abide by them. God doesn't work that way.

We want to tell Him exactly what we want to happen and how to make that happen. I call that writing the script. God doesn't work that way.

We want to know how things are going to be in a day, a week, a month, a year. God doesn't work that way.

Instead, God faithfully reveals His plan just one step at a time and only as we are ready for that step. How does that work?

I do believe it is okay to ask Him to do His will and to tell Him what the desires of my heart are. He may or may not incorporate those into His plan for me, but I can tell Him my thoughts. I have to avoid making demands or bargaining. I have to be walking in His will, studying His Word and staying in contact with Him. In those ways, He may reveal His will. He may reveal it through other people - in a sermon, in wise counsel or even just in conversation with someone else. I am to remember what He does for me and use that to honor Him and glorify Him. And I am to be patient until God answers my prayer. He will do so in His own time. He will ALWAYS answer my prayer.

And in the meantime, my responsibility is just to wait on God. As long as it takes, until the answer comes or the desires of my heart change which is an answer also. So I am waiting.


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