Sunday, October 04, 2009

What an Experience!

I went to church this morning with a bit of a heavy heart. My daughter broke her finger this weekend and she cannot work while it is splinted/casted/whatever. That immediately brings up concerns about paying rent on her space, etc. So I arrived a couple of minutes early for choir rehearsal and sat down to worship as I listened to the praise band run through the music we would soon be singing and give my worries and concerns to the Lord.

Ours was a very different service today. The choir sang one number, a soloist did one number and then, instead of preaching, our pastor shared an amazing video with us. I hope you will take time to watch it also. This link will take you to the first of five segments on youtube:

Afterwards, the choir went back on the platform and we praised God for about 15 minutes. At the end, no one in the choir wasn't crying, two were prostrate on the floor. We did one last chorus and my eyes were closed as I sang, tears running down my face and then I looked up and realized, the congregation had been dismissed and the majority had left the room silently. Those remaining, were crying also. What an amazing time of worship.

Our God is a very big God, and I am very small and insignificant. I don't know why He is mindful of me, because I don't deserve it, but He is. I am so very grateful!


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