When things are going along swimmingly, it is easy to forget to notice that I'm content. And I am content. My son is loving his new place and his new job. My daughter is going to graduate in just two days. She completed all the requirements and is now just finishing the hourly requirements, so it's smooth sailing from here for her. In addition, she aced her final (she really did make a 100 on it) and hopefully that means she'll also do well on her state board exam. Since she has always struggled with standardized tests, this is also a huge improvement in that way for her. In short, we're happy for and proud of her.
I've been procrastinating on some things work-wise, but I have a plan for getting everything done and staying on schedule despite the limited timeframe I have left in which to work. Why do I do this to myself any way? I just have to come up with one last idea for a borders class and write my newsletter this week. Ideally, I'd get it done on Tuesday and proof on Wednesday and then I could get the newsletter printed at the same time I print borders handouts for this week's class and save myself some gas. We'll see if I am THAT organized.
Too bad I can't also put off going to the health food store and the grocery store until I have the newsletter done, but I think we'd have to starve if I did that. How is it that I have my fridge stuffed full but there isn't anything in there to actually eat? I don't know how to cure it, and I know my mom's was always the same way. All the condiments in the universe and nothing to serve them with.
My husband's lawn mower is in the shop and he's had to borrow mowers from neighbors for two weeks. His is really fast and that was painfully obvious today because it took him so much longer to finish the yard and it was hot and he was feeling it when he finished. I'd hoped we might have time to go out to the lake and work on the boat that hasn't been out in nearly two years. No way is he going to agree to that right now. Maybe I'll get some of it done this week while he's out of town. My daughter thinks we've forgotten her birthday because I have a class that night and can't do anything with her and he'll be out of town, but we didn't. Life just gets in the way sometimes. He has a pretty full schedule and some big things going on at work and has to go to a convention next week, so this was the only chance he had to go check on things in St. Thomas. And in our defense, we thought she was going to her brother's for her birthday and we had nothing to do with the fact that he now has to go out of town, too, (though not to the Virgin Islands) and she has to postpone her trip.
Nevertheless, even with the little imperfections in my life, I know I am truly blessed. Blessings are always from the Lord, and I am thankful to Him for every good and perfect thing in my life.
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