It's Spring!
The weather in Texas is unpredictable at best, and our winter in North Central Texas barely justifies the term - we only have a few days of true winter weather. But spring is here. As I look out the window this morning, the light green of young grass matches perfectly the light green of new leaves on the trees in the woods at the back of the property. It is beautiful. Of course, I'm looking through rain as that is also part of the scenario, but at least it isn't as bad as a couple of weeks ago when the creek rose about 20 feet until I could actually see it from the second floor windows. That had never happened before in the 8 1/2 years we have lived here. And that creek got high enough at one point 3 1/2 years ago that a major bridge washed out. At least this time there was less debris in the creek.
We have also had our first tornado warning of the year, and technically, tornado season is from May to December. Anyway, I spent a pleasant 20 or 30 minutes in a closed hallway with 55 pounds of terrified dog traipsing around and over and ON me. He is not brave, but consequently, he's a pretty good watch dog - if he's awake. Anyway, he did not like the thunder. He did not like the power outage that occurred about halfway through our confinement. He did not like the beeping from the alarm system signaling a power failure. He did not like the beeps from the battery backup under my desk. In short, he was NOT a happy dog. We were both delighted when the siren stopped sounding.
In closing, I only have this to say, "Happy Spring!"
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