This and That
Not much going on now. My daughter had a birthday which was celebrated with her graduation because her dad had to go out of town and I had to work on her birthday. She leaves this week for a few days with her brother. She's really looking forward to that and I know they will have a great time. My husband also leaves this week for a convention and it looks like they will miss the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav when it arrives Wednesday night or Thursday.
Schools started back in our area last week. My husband was racing around trying to get out the door on Tuesday and I asked where he was going in such a hurry. "School started yesterday." That was enough explanation. The school district cops stop all the traffic on the state road to allow the cars in and out of the intermediate school parking lot, backing traffic up for over half a mile twice a day. He wanted to try to beat that. It took him over 30 minutes to get on the highway - a 5-mile drive from our house.
This is the first time in 20 years that I am not buying school supplies. It is exciting to have everyone out of school and on a path to the careers of their choice. I'm proud of both of them.
No plans for Labor Day. Since my husband has been out of town, I expect he'll have to work. Still, if he wanted, I have hamburgers made up and we could have our own cookout. We'll see.
I am going to church this morning and planning to join the choir officially. I had planned to do that last week until my daughter told me as I was walking out the door that she'd left her medicine on the table at a restaurant 75 miles away. It costs over $260 a month and isn't covered by insurance, so someone had to go get it. My husband was already gone from the house, and she couldn't go without taking the medicine first - so off I went. Took me 3 hours by the time I threw in stopping for gas on my way.
Speaking of gas, have you noticed that when something happens to raise the cost of gas, it goes up immediately, but if something happens to lower the price, it doesn't happen right away because "it was already in the pipeline." Honestly, do they really think we're that stupid?
OK - enough with the random ramblings. Have a great day!