Saturday, July 09, 2005

Water Problems

I have always planted flowers in pots on our back porch, and my husband has always taken on the responsibility of watering them every day. And I rarely scrutinize how things are going. After all, it's pretty simple. However, recently, when he left for Europe, I discovered two crepe myrtles in extremely dry conditions and 1 of the 4 new hedges I'd had planted recentlywas dead and the other three in dire straits. The flowers weren't much better off. I had my work cut out for me, but I tackled the problem and have over the past 4 weeks or so, improved everything except the dead hedge plant.

I wrote my husband an email while he was gone and told him I loved him even though he is a plant-killer.

I went out late tonight to water everything. A little too late. We live in a town, but it's pretty country-fied out here and the water is unbelievably expensive, so we water out of the creek and one section is watered by the anaerobic septic system. Suffice it to say, you don't want to get hit by a sprinkler. The sprinler system was already on when I went out. You would have enjoyed watching me water darting around the sprinkler out there. Even the dogs were participating. Just what I needed. Anyway, I think my husband just turns the water on more when he waters and it runs through the pots without really soaking in. At least that's my theory. Most of the time, I do it now. But if I get behind (or on the weekends I have to work all weekend) he does it.

My daughter's computer recently commited suicide by falling off her bed in slow-motion. So, in the days since then, she has shared my computer. Usually, I'm careful about who's signed in before I post a comment anywhere, but today I messsed up and posted a comment on a blog under her name. I logged her out, logged back in and "`fessed" up and then I told her. She was chagrined by my mistake, but then a couple of hours later, she did the exact same thing on someone else's blog. Sometimes we're too much alike!


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