Operation Soccer Ball
If you watch national newscasts or read newspapers, you know that things in Iraq still look grim … according to the media. That isn’t the whole story though. If you’d like to know more, check out some of the links on the right.
Each military branch has a news site on its website that compiles stories from home and abroad about all that is going on. This is a much better picture of the whole story, so you can also go to those websites and check it out for yourself. Then, listen with half an ear to the media, because they have their own agenda and the slant is profound.
In addition, Michael, at A Day in Iraq, has suggested we begin “Operation Soccer Ball” to provide the children in Iraq (lovers of the game every one) with soccer balls as a gesture of good will. The soldiers love giving the kids gifts as they go through the towns and villages, and the kids gather around them very excited about getting anything. Steven Kiel has agreed to be a distributor of all items sent. He also distributes small stuffed toys (Beanie Babies) and toiletries for adults. You can get his mailing address on his blog or through me. Best way to send things is Priority Mail. There is a box available from the Postal Service that is a flat rate - $7.70 for however much you can stuff in the box. It takes 2-2½ weeks for each box to arrive at its destination in Iraq.
Years of distrust of “westerners” have built walls among adults in the Middle East, but children are the future of the country. If you can help provide soccer balls, please let Michael or Steven know. Thanks so much.
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