Thursday, November 03, 2005

Back in the USA!

I just got confirmation that my cousin’s husband arrived back in the States this afternoon. What joy to know that he is back safely. My cousin was there to greet him (in a hurricane-ravaged area, so that is also an answer to prayer that though her own motel reservations were cancelled, those of a friend’s stood and she was able to go on that reservation) and will get to spend a couple of days with him before he goes back on base for redeployment processing. He should be back at home and with her and their sons in about 10 days.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


My cousin’s husband sent me an email this morning telling me he is out of Iraq safely and in Kuwait and will be back in the States soon. I can’t begin to describe how light my heart is today. I am so grateful for our Lord for keeping him safe. My cousin is going to be able to meet him in Mississippi when he gets there which is another answered prayer because most motel rooms have been cancelled, of course, including hers. But the wife of his best friend’s have stood (miraculously) and my cousin will be able to use her reservation. Praise God! I am positively giddy this morning with relief and joy!